Showing posts from August, 2020
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Table Of Content For Blogger On Static Page With One Label (sitemap)

This kind of sitemap shows the table of content with only one label. Some users think no one will request or use the table of content with j...

How To Add A Friendly Share Button On Blogger

Why do I need to have a share button on my website? share button makes it easy for your readers to share your content with other platforms l...

How To Change Your Blogger Comment Box To The New Version

How To Change Your Blogger Comment Box To The New Version So I'll be teaching you guys on how to change a blogger comment box to the lat...

How i started blogging

This post is not necessary to read Through, but it worth reading. I just want to write about how I started Blogging and how far have gone ...

Different Home Businesses You Can Start

Just because you're staying at home and watching the little ones doesn't suggest that you simply can't make some full-time cash....

How To Be Your Own Boss

Not everyone wants to be THE boss of an outsized team or organization. But given a choice, most folks would really like to BE their own boss...

Easy way to add a Privacy policy, Disclaimer and Cookies policy to my website

Adding some policies to your website or blog makes your website stand out from others, it is not necessary to use this policy on your webs...

Jump to top buttons you can use for your blogger websites

Different types of Jump to top buttons plugin  you can use for your websites It is very necessary to have a jump to top WIDGET on your web...

Process of how to buy a domain name from google

When one opens a free blog from  blogger.com , they usually give you domain names like for example megatechwaves.blogspot.com, and this ki...

How to Copy Text from photos to Save your time

Hey guys, today I'm gonna teach a time-saving trick. This trick is about how to copy text from photos. Have you ever been in need to c...

How To Convert Your Work As PDF On Coreldraw

How To Publish Your Work As PDF On Coreldraw many users find it difficult to save their work as PDF on Coreldraw. but guess what ? it is not...
